Dry Freight Reefer Box Manufacturers in India

Sub Zero began its journey as one of the Best refrigerated truck and container manufacturers in India in 2015 as a division of the famous commercial vehicle body manufacturing company Jayanand Khira, established in 1949. 

The Khira Group has been India's leading refrigerated container manufacturer since 1985 and is well-known in the Indian industry. 

Sub Zero acquired the best reefer box manufacturing machinery from Israel to provide superior products at competitive rates and adapted especially for the Indian market. 

The Dry freight reefer box has various advantages, such as making the truck bodies lightweight, ensuring longer product life, no corrosion issues, and a better aesthetic over other materials.

Sub Zero Dry freight reefer boxes are introduced with composite sandwich panels and are India's only reefer box manufacturer. 

As a result, customers also benefit through increased payloads, better fuel efficiency, and reduced running of refrigeration units.

What's Dry Freight?

Dry freight is Simply that a cargo area is an ample, enclosed space suitable for hauling non-perishables such as clothing, furniture, and food that don't require refrigeration. 

Dry freight box manufacturing is the most versatile means of shipping and transportation since it can haul a wide variety of items and keeps things fresh.

Why Sub Zero Dry Freight Reefer Box?

Sub Zero Dry freight reefer boxes are engineered with thin sandwich panel technology, a new and more effective technology used for reefer manufacturing in the industry.

Here are some features for why we use sandwich panels for dry freight reefer boxes.

1. We use lightweight reefer boxes for maximizing the payloads.

2. The GRP sheet comes with a UV-resistant gel coat that helps as a robust resistance.'

3. Using a single-piece GRP sheet provides more strength to the material.

4. The Dry freight reefer box is aesthetically pleasing and suitable for branding. 

So, if you are looking for the Best Dry Freight Reefer Box manufacturers in India, feel free to contact us. Visit our website now at www.subzeroreefers.com.

#Dryfreightreeferbox, #Dryfreightbox #Reefertruck #Reefervan #sandwichpanels #Steelreeferbox #Grpreeferbox #subzeroreefers 


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